CUNY FORUM Volume 10:1

Economic and structural inequality, racial scapegoating, and anti-Asian xenophobia all played a role in violence against Asian Americans, then, and continue unabated to today in 2021. Against the backdrop of the continuing global Covid-19 crisis and anti-Asian violence and hate in the United States, we present to you the reader some signals of hope and reclamation on the local and national level: Asian Americans recognizing and reclaiming their place in the larger civil society despite immense institutional and ideological barriers.

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Punctuated Equilibrium: Now Everyone is an Immigrant

OUR LIVES IN 2020 are being shaped by unfamiliar words, customs and concepts. Many of us are experiencing health insecurity, food insecurity, job insecurity, and fear of random violence. These concepts may be new to many of us, but they would have been very familiar to my grandfather Misao and many other immigrants and refugees, … Read more

Challenging the New Culture of Silence: From a Teacher Activist

EXACTLY 50 YEARS AGO, as the first English edition of Brazilian educator Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed was being published in the United States, his friend and fellow educator-activist Richard Shaull noted that Freire’s analysis applied to the U.S. as well as Brazil: “Our advanced technological society is rapidly making objects of us and … Read more

CUNY FORUM Volume 3:1

Purchase: CUNY FORUM Volume 3:1

AAARI’s third issue of CUNY FORUM commemorates and examines the history of Asian American Studies on the East Coast during the tumultuous time of the Civil Rights Movement to the present. Learn from leading scholars and pioneers in the field about the future of Asian American and South Asian Studies in research, teaching, and education.

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