Model Minority vs Covid-19: Education through Crisis, For Asians in America

Covid-19 has sparked an increase in racism against East Asians in America, whether immigrant or native born. However, racism against all groups of Asian descent has been around for much longer, with racist stereotypes and the model minority myth. Join Queens Memory and our partners for an online discussion about the current higher educational experience for Asians in America, who are facing the continuously evolving challenge of racism. We will also discuss how Asians in America can provide ally-ship and solidarity to other groups that are experiencing racial oppression.

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‘Be Still and Do Not Move’: The Covid-19 Migrant and the Ministry of the Soul

FOR GENERATIONS, IN INDIA AND AROUND THE WORLD, school teachers in classrooms have struggled to contain the impulse that children have to move around. Hundreds of psychologists, on the hunt for explanations for the comparatively poor performance of boys in schools, and their apparently increasing disdain for formal education, allege that children, and boys in … Read more

Laboring through Racial Virus and Economic Violence

ON THE EVENING OF APRIL 6, 2020, an Asian woman was attacked with acid outside her Brooklyn home by an unknown perpetrator, leaving chemical burns on her face, in addition to mental and emotional trauma.1 Although the attacker got away and no clear motive has been established, this likely hate crime occurred during a nationwide … Read more

Dancing with Noguchi

Isamu Noguchi (1904-1988) was an acclaimed international sculptor, designer, and landscape architect. A Japanese American, Noguchi was born in Los Angeles but raised in Japan and studied pre-medicine at Columbia University, New York. In 1942, he founded Nisei Writers and Artists Mobilization for Democracy, and voluntarily entered a U.S. internment camp in Arizona during World … Read more