2002 CUNY Asian Faculty & Staff Reception

Dr. Thomas Tam, Executive Director, AAARI


Prof. Betty Lee Sung, Chairperson, AAARI

 Dr. Louise Mirrer, Executive Vice Chancellor of
Academic Affairs, CUNY

AAARI: The Beginning

Prof. Ngee Pong Chang, City College, CUNY

Dr. Thomas Tam, Executive Director, AAARI



 Photographs taken at the reception:
[All photographs at the reception were taken by Ana Lai]


Approximately forty faculty and staff from different campuses attended the CUNY reception.

Richard Li from Hostos Community College and Mimy Liu from Kingsborough Community College helped to welcome guests at the front door.

Ms. Marianna McCauley of the Italian American Museum chatted with Mr. Garth Harding of Brooklyn College.

Prof. Betty Lee Sung, Chairperson of AAARI, and Prof. Ngee Pong Chang conversed with guest at the reception.


Prof. Kiyoka Koizumi and friend from Brooklyn College at the beginning of the reception.

Mr. Eugene Wong, Past President of NY Wall Street Lions Club enjoying a point made by Mr.  Hsin Yuan Cheng, Editor in Chief of Sing Dao Daily.

Prof. James Lap and Prof. Tricia Lin listening  to Prof. Jacqueline Newman talking about the history of cooking on the Silk Road.

Dr. Louise Mirrer, Executive Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs told Prof. Kiyoka Koizumi  that she supported the outreach efforts of AAARI.


Ms. Irene Ning, reporter of The World Journal, interviewed Prof. Pyong Gap Min of Queens College about the lecture he would give at AAARI on November 1st.

Vice Chancellor Mirrer spoke with Prof. V. T. Alexander of Medgar Evers College, Prof. Betty Lee Sung of City College, and Prof. Jacqueline Newman of Queens College.

Prof. Betty Lee Sung welcomed the attending faculty members and informed them of the research award program which Prof. Ngee Pong Chang would elaborate later on.

Listening to the discussion of research award program are Prof. Pyong Gap Min of Queens College, Prof. Tricia Lin of Borough of Manhattan Community College, and Prof. Parmatma Saran of Baruch College.

Dr. Thomas Tam, Executive Director of AAARI,  told the audience that he was grateful to Chancellor Matthew Goldstein for his support to create bridges among different disciplines, various Asian ethnic groups, and  between academia and the Asian American community.

Prof. Ngee Pong Chang [left, standing] among some of the audience, before his discussion on the guidelines and policies of the research award program which he championed.

Posing for the press photographer are Thomas Tam, Louise Mirrer, Betty Lee Sung, Brian Swartz, and Ngee Pong Chang.

Dr. Mohammad Karim, Dean of Engineering at City College, spoke with Prof. Tricia Lin during reception.  Prof. Lisa Wong was in the background.

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