2003 CUNY Conference on Education: Challenges & Perspectives – Program

Confucius, the model educator of Ancient Asia
Confucius, the model educator of Ancient Asia

Date: Friday, May 2, 2003 Time: 8:15AM to 4:30PM

Place: Newman Vertical Campus – Baruch College, CUNY
55 Lexington Avenue (E. 25th Street), Room 3-150,
btwn Lexington & 3rd Avenues, Manhattan

8:15 AM – 8:45 AM              Breakfast & Registration
– Room 1-107


– Room 3-150

8:45 AM – 9:40 AM                Presider: Betty Lee Sung; Chaiperson;
Asian American / Asian Research Institute

Co-presider: David Cheng; Professor / Director; Counseling Center, Baruch College, CUNY

Ned Regan; President; Baruch College, CUNY

James Muyskens; President; Queens College, CUNY

Speaker: Diana Lam; Deputy Chancellor; New York City Department of Education

Hon. John Liu; Councilman; New York City

Rishi Raj; President; Society of Indian Academics in America

Hon. Betty Wu; Commissioner; New York City Department of Employment


General Session One
– Room 3-150

Presider: Ngee Pong Chang; Professor; Physics; City College, CUNY

9:40 AM – 10:00 AM                Speaker: Nicholas Michelli; University Dean of Education; CUNY

10:00 AM – 10:10 AM              Panelist 1: Hon. Wellington Chen; CUNY Board of Trustees

10:10 AM – 10:20 AM               Panelist 2: Ron Woo; Superintendent; New York City Department of Education
– Topic: “Educating Asian Americans:  A Challenge to Education Policy Makers and  Leaders”

10:20 AM – 10:30 AM               Panelist 3: Michi Itami; Professor; Art; City College, CUNY

10:30 AM – 10:45 AM              Questions & Answers

10:45 AM – 10:55AM           Break (Tea/Coffee)

General Session Two
– Room 3-150

Presider: Hiroko Karan; Dean; School of Science, Health and Technology, Medgar Evers College, CUNY

10:55 AM – 11:15 AM              Speaker: Virginia Kee, Founder; Chinese American Planning Council
– Topic: “What have we learned? Strategies for Teaching. Experiences of a veteran teacher  in  teaching poor minority / immigrant students in New York City”

11:15 AM – 11:25 AM              Panelist 1: Incha Kim; President; Korean Education Association
– Topic: “School Violence within the Asian Community”

11:25 AM – 11:35 AM               Panelist 2: Hon. Jeffrey Wiesenfeld; CUNY Board of Trustees

11:35 AM – 11:45 AM               Panelist 3: Gary Okihiro; Professor & Director;
Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race, Columbia University, NY

11:45 AM – 12 NOON             Questions & Answers


12 NOON – 1:00 PM             Lunch

Presider: Ching Leou Liu; Associate Professor; Library Services; Hostos Community College, CUNY

Luncheon Speaker:  Chancellor Matthew Goldstein; CUNY

Recognition Ceremony
– 2003 AAARI / AAHEC Research Awardees
– Conference Co-sponsors

Afternoon Workshop Session One
1:00 PM – 2:25 PM

Workshop 1A – 2003 AAHEC / AAARI Research Awardees
– Room 4-120

Presider: Ngee Pong Chang; Professor; Physics; City College, CUNY

Pyong Gap Min, Professor; Sociology; Queens College, CUNY
– Topic: “Religion, Host Hostility, and Identity Formation: The Experiences of 1.5 and 2nd Generation  South Asian Muslim Students”

Moustafa Bayoumi; Associate Professor; English; Brooklyn College, CUNY
– Topic: “Racing Religion”

Joyce Gelb; Professor; Political Science; City College, CUNY
– Topic: “New Developments in Gender Related Policy Making in Japan: Exploring Cross Party  Advocacy by Dietwomen”

Margaret M. Chin; Assistant Professor; Sociology;
Hunter College, CUNY
– Topic: “Chinatown After 9/11: Immigrant Adaptation and Ethnic Enclaves”

Dais Akiba; Assistant Professor; Division of Education; Queens College, CUNY
– Topic: “Family, School and Community Partnerships: Identifying the Leadership Roles of Asian Americans in Larger Communities”

Charles Riley II; Associate Professor; English;
Baruch College, CUNY
– Topic: “The Chinese Virtuoso: Celebrating the Aesthetic of Extremes”

Workshop 2A – Teaching of English to Immigrants
– Room 4-160

Presider: Dorothy Kehl; Professor; ESL Program; Brooklyn College, CUNY

Diana Berkowitz; Director; CUNY Language Immersion Program; Queensborough Community College, CUNY
– Topic: “The CUNY Language Immersion Program”

Jianguo Ji; Adjunct Professor; Modern Languages & Comparitive Literature; Baruch College, CUNY
– Topic: “Dismantling the Psycholinguistic Barriers: Developing Adequate Curriculum for New Immigrants’ English Learning”

Keming Liu; Assistant Professor; English, LLP;
Medgar Evers College, CUNY
– Topic: “Tapping Into Students’ Cognitive Processes in Reading and Writing: Interactive Strategies for Teachers of English to Asian Students”

Ganzhi Di; Assistant Professor; English;
Hostos Community College, CUNY
– Topic: “Chinese ESL Learners’ Aural-Oral Problems”

Workshop 3A – Leadership Skills, Training, and Development
– Room 4-170

Presider: Janet Patti; Coordinator; Educational Administration and Supervision Program; Hunter College, CUNY
– Topic: Leading with Emotional Intelligence

Nicholas Michelli; University Dean of Education; CUNY
– Topic:

Frank H. Shih; CUNY School of Law
– Topic:

Louise Weiyi Zhu; Membership Outreach Consultant;
Girl Scouts of the USA
– Topic:

Marcia Knoll; Associate Professor; Educational Administration and Supervision Program; Hunter College, CUNY
– Topic: “Instructional Leadership is the Key to Student Success”

Erwin Wong; Associate Dean of Instructions and Curriculum; Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY
– Topic:

Mae Fong; Principal;
Louis Pasteur Middle School; New York City
– Topic:

Workshop 4A – School Violence: Extent of the Problem and Solutions
– Room 4-180

Presider: Hon. Doris Ling-Cohan; Supreme Court Justice; New York State

Vanessa Leung; Project Specialist;
Coalition for Asian American Children and Families
– Topic: “Impact of Asian American Stereotypes on Intergroup Relations and School Violence”

Robert De Sena; Founder and President;
The National Council for Unity, Inc.
– Topic:

Khin Mai Aung; Lawyer;
Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund
– Topic: “Violence in our Public Schools – Legal Protections and Community-based Solutions”

Jacob Wong; Retired Principal;
New York City Public Schools
– Topic:

Workshop 5A – Contribution of the Arts Curriculum to General Education
– Room 4-211

Presider: Michi Itami; Professor; Art;
City College, CUNY

Amy Chin; Executive Director; New York Chinese Cultural Center and Chinese Folk Dance Company
– Topic:

Michael Griffel; Acting Associate Provost;
Hunter College, CUNY
– Topic: “Beyond the Three ‘R’s'”

Lillian Cho; Executive Director;
Asian American Arts Alliance
– Topic:

Stephanie Hsu; Education Associate;
Museum of Chinese in the Americas
– Topic: “Issues of Identity within Asian American Art and the Danger of “Self-Orientalizing”

Ellie Hisama; Director; Institute for Studies in American Music; Associate Professor; Conservatory of Music, Brooklyn College, CUNY
– Topic: “Polycultural Literacy: Teaching the Music of Asian Americans”

Robert Lee; Executive Director;
Asian American Arts Centre
– Topic: “Stories of Chinatown”

Afternoon Workshop Session Two
2:35 PM – 4:00 PM

Workshop 1B: Role of Media in Community Development
– Room 4-120

Presider: Keming Liu; Assistant Professor; English, LLP; Medgar Evers College, CUNY

Hsin Yuan Cheng; Editor-in-Chief; Sing Tao Daily
– Topic:

Mami Kuwano; Director of Youth Programs;
Downtown Community Television
– Topic:

Hye Jung Park; Project Director;
Manhattan Neighborhood Network
– Topic:

Allen Cohen; Senior Advisor; Chinese American Planning Council; Program Producer; Sinocast
– Topic:

Cecilia K. Gullas; Director; Asian Women in Media
– Topic:

Workshop 2B – Current Issues in Asian American Student Counseling
– Room 4-160

Presider: David Cheng; Professor & Director;
Counseling Center, Baruch College, CUNY

Irene Chung; Associate Professor;
School of Social Work, Hunter College, CUNY
– Topic: “Counseling Asian American Students: Understanding Emotional Distress From a Cultural Perspective”

Katie Chen; Program Director; Project Gateway,
Chinese American Planning Council
– Topic: “Counseling Chinese-American Students and their Needs”

Vincenzo Milione; Director for Research and Education; John D. Calandra Italian American Institute; Queens College, CUNY
– Topic: “Student Academic Achievement: A Comparison Between Italian and Asian Americans”

Kyoko Toyama; Professor; Counseling / College Discovery Office; LaGuardia Community College, CUNY
– Topic: “Career Counseling Issues of Asian / American Students”

Workshop 3B – Inter-Racial Relationship Enhancement
– Room 4-170

Presider: Betty Lee Sung; Chairperson;
Asian American / Asian Research Institute

Otis Hill; Vice Chancellor for Student Development and Enrollment Services; CUNY
– Topic: “Peer Perceptions of Asian Students and Intergroup

Joseph V. Scelsa; Vice President of Institutional Development; Queens College, CUNY
– Topic: “Constructive Pluralism – A Model Workshop”

Loretta Chin; Special Projects Coordinator for the Community Building Initiative; Office of the Dean of Student Life; Brooklyn College, CUNY
Melanie Bush; Division of Student Life;
Brooklyn College, CUNY
– Topic: “Asian Students and Intergroup Relations at Brooklyn College”

Workshop 4B – Cultural Determinants of Asian Immigrant Communities
– Room 4-180

Presider: Parmatma Saran; Chairman; Sociology;
Baruch College, CUNY

Xiwu Feng; Associate Professor;
LaGuardia Community College, CUNY
Heping Li; Teacher; Social Studies;
John Bowne High School, Queens, NY
– Topic: “Parental Involvement and Student Achievement-
Perceptions and Challenges of Asian Parents and Students”

Jerome Krase; Murray Koppelman Professor; Sociology; Brooklyn College, CUNY
– Topic: “Chinatown: A Visual Approach to Ethnic Spectacles”

Virginia Tong; Professor; Curriculum & Teaching;
Hunter College, CUNY
– Topic: “Cultural Issues Concerning Asian  Students”

Yang Hu; Assistant Professor; School of Education,
Hunter College, CUNY
– Topic: “Immigrant Chinese Students’ Use of Silence in the Classroom: Perceptions, Reflections and Actions”

Workshop 5B – Civic Participation and Asian Americans
– Room 4-211

Presider: Jae Kim; Professor; Public Management & Administration; John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY

Ron Kim; Co-founder / Chairman;
Young Civic Alliance of New York, Inc.
– Topic: “Civic Disengagement: Building Communal Values in Asian American Communities”

Giho Kim; President; Korean American Democrats of New York; Executive Director; Korean American Senior Citizens Counseling Center
– Topic:

Philip Yun; New York Police Department;
PBQN Asian Advisory Council
– Topic:

Margaret S. Chin; Deputy Executive Director;
Asian Americans for Equality
– Topic:


4:00 PM – 4:30 PM               Cocktail Reception

Presider: Thomas Tam; Executive Director; AAARI


Speaker Biographies

Topic Abstract

Conference Chairperson

Conference Vice-Chairperson

Conference Co-Sponsor
Asian America

Asian Americans For Equality

Asian American Higher Education Council

Baruch College, CUNY

Office of the Chancellor, CUNY

Con Edison

Hunter College, CUNY

Queens College, CUNY



Ana Lai

Technical Assistance
James Huang
Mimy Liu
Antony Wong

Author Bio

Presented By: