K.Y. Chynn Book Award for Chinese Studies

Over the past decade, there has been an increasingly significant amount of interest in China, the country, its people and its culture, amongst the general population of the United States.  Since opening its doors to market-oriented development, factors such as increased tourism, international trade and technological advancements have all contributed to the desire and need … Read more

Tibetan Studies in China: Culture & Buddhism

Professors from the China Tibetology Research Center in Beijing, will share their research on various aspects of Tibetan culture and Buddhism: Du Yongbin – Tibetan Studies in Contemporary China: The Styles and Characteristics Tibetan studies is a discipline both about geography and society of Tibetan areas, and about history and today of the Tibetans. China … Read more

K.Y. Chynn Book Award for Chinese Studies

Over the past decade, there has been an increasingly significant amount of interest in China, the country, its people and its culture, amongst the general population of the United States.  Since opening its doors to market-oriented development, factors such as increased tourism, international trade and technological advancements have all contributed to the desire and need … Read more

Silent Illumination: Studies on Meditation & Music Performance

Musical performance anxiety represents a relatively unexamined but seriously debilitating problem that functionally impairs large numbers of musicians. In the past two decades, there has been considerable interest in meditation as an approach to reduce emotional distress among a large community of clinicians and empirical psychologists. Meditation research is a young but vigorous field. More … Read more

Lessons from Center on Jewish Studies

Jewish Studies got its start more than a century ago through bible studies taught by Christian priests in this country. Later on, five universities including Yeshiva and Brandeis, were established to help educate Jewish teachers for their community. To provide social services to the Jews in this country, federations, regional bodies which raised money to … Read more