Cross-Cultural Study of the Concerns of Western and Korean Postnatal Mothers

This research study was funded by PSC-CUNY Research Grant for 2001-2002. This cross-cultural descriptive study compared the childbearing concerns and experiences of Korean and Western postnatal mothers in three areas: physiological, psychosocial and infant care. In order to ascertain whether there were cultural differences in these three areas, a survey was conducted. Fifty Western postnatal … Read more

A Comparison on Chinese, Indian, and Korean Immigrants in New York in Ethnic Attachment and Solidarity

Based on a book currently being written for Columbia University on ethnic attachment, this talk will explain the solidarity among Chinese, Indian and Korean immigrants in New York City. Sociologists often lump together ethnic attachment and ethnic solidarity into the same category. Though distinctively interrelated, both are significantly different from one another in their explanations … Read more