Light at the End of the Tunnel

WHEN YOU REACH A CERTAIN AGE, you are forced to confront your own mortality. As I sit at home with my family in our Chelsea Hotel apartment in New York City, Covid-19 is infiltrating cities around the globe. One thing about isolating yourself is that it gives you plenty of time to think and reflect. … Read more

Fortune on PAUSE

Midnight January 25, 2020, Asian Americans usher in the Lunar New Year of the Metal Rat—representing new beginnings. Two months later, those new beginnings will become misfortunes, in particular for the small businesses of New York City’s Chinatowns. Over the next two weeks Lunar New Year celebrations continued across the city, quieter than usual—brought on … Read more

A Day in the Life, in the Age of COVID-19

PANDEMIC BRINGS US TO PANDEMONIUM, not the center of Hell—Pandemonium in Milton’s Paradise Lost—but tumult, chaos, the upending of our quotidian lives due to the infernal virus, on which we have conferred the somewhat majestic title, Novel Corona Virus-19. Normalcy is a far-away country, and even with all its attendant and even discordant notes, seems … Read more

CUNY FORUM Volume 7:1

The latest Fall/Winter 2019-2020 special issue, guest edited by Stephen Lee and Elizabeth Hanna Rubio (University of California, Irvine), centers on the experiences of Asian Pacific Islanders (APIs) and in doing so, contributes to a small, but growing body of literature within Asian American and U.S. immigration studies that explores what it means to be Asian American and living under the threat of immigration-related consequences such as deportation. The contributions in this volume of CUNY FORUM touch upon a variety of themes: Politics, Identity, and Social Movements.

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CUNY FORUM Volume 6:1

CUNY FORUM Volume 6:1 (Fall 2018 to Winter 2019, ISSN: 2329-1125, 100 pages, $15.00) features three sections, each examining through essays, commentaries, and research: 1. Crossing Out/In Our Communities; 2. To Serve the People and Lose Your Sexuality?; and 3. Translating There to Here

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