About the Bison Series

  IN 1962, I SKETCHED at the Western Suburbs Zoo in Beijing and saw two North American bison for the first time. Bison are huge in size, brown and black, and move slowly in a space that is not much larger than their bodies. They are incompatible with the zoo, an artificial environment. When sketching, … Read more

COVID: Karma in Macao

  COVID Cold as it is, but devastating as if an Ominous roar from nature. Virus gone “wild” because I, a sinner ever hurts nature, Deserves such karma.         Fun (Janeiro) Joy imbues every corner While walls are dressed in red for the Rat Laughter here and there And nothing seems fearful … Read more

On Earth: Poems

Gatha or Eulogy —Dedicated to People Who Lost Their Lives due to the Epidemic There is a path called death A homeland to call a grave An ocean wave called tears A vast ocean called the spirit A sky called loneliness A kind of pining called clarity There is a life called impermanence A state … Read more

Self-Care Tips to Boost Immunity

  UCLA Center for East-West Medicine Founded in 1993, the Center has established a renowned model of comprehensive care with emphasis on health promotion, disease prevention, treatment and rehabilitation through an integrated practice of East-West Medicine. The conceptual model of clinical care at the UCLA Center for East-West Medicine includes: Harnessing of biomedicine’s strength in … Read more

Quadruple Fears:
In the Perfect Global Storm

On the Human Condition I HAVE READ RICHARD HOFSTADTER and understand the root of anti-intellectualism in this country’s history, but its abysmally low point still surprises and saddens me. Almost thirty years ago, after witnessing the lights at Tiananmen Square go out and a massacre carried out in the dark, I looked towards the New … Read more