Multilingual Trends in a Globalized World: Prospects and Challenges

Prof. Navin Singh will present on his book, Multilingual Trends in a Globalized World, and discuss evolving language education trends, multilingualism in terms of prospects and challenges, by drawing on examples and case studies from around the world. Over the past few decades, significant economic and political changes have taken place across the globe, placing … Read more

Current Challenges to Ethnic Media in New York: With Joe Wei and Angelo Falcón

Mapping of Asian Americans in New York (MAANY) Current Challenges to Ethnic Media in New York: With Joe Wei and Angelo Falcón Date: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 Time: 3:30PM to 5:30PM Place: Roosevelt House – Hunter College/CUNY 47-49 East 65th Street, 2nd Fl Meeting Room, Manhattan Mapping of Asian Americans in New York has invited … Read more

Does Doing Good Lead to Doing Better? Insights and Challenges

In recent years, few notions have so fully captured the corporate imagination as that of corporate social responsibility (CSR); its relevance, role and returns are at the forefront of corporate consciousness today. In this presentation, Prof. Sankar Sen will provide an overview of my research on CSR, which takes a strategic, stakeholder (e.g., consumers, employees, … Read more