Maneuvering Mixedness: Interpreting Dougla in the Caribbean Diaspora

The Dougla experience in Caribbean spaces and the diaspora provides an epistemology of mixedness, particularly as situated within an Indian/ African binary. Prof. Aleah N. Ranjitsingh centers maneuvering as a descriptive and explanatory tool that summarizes how Douglas contemplate their experience of mixedness outside of Caribbean homeland spaces—maneuvering defaults (Blackness), maneuvering ambiguity, and maneuvering privilege.

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Re-mapping the Other: Cultural Translation in Asian/Pacific and Caribbean American Writing

Beginning with a quote by Michel Foucault, Prof. Tricia Lin explained how transnation and translation were used as cultural survival strategies. The audience asked questions that explored the issue of post-colonial island literature and its impact. “We are in the epoch of simultaneity: we are in the epoch of juxtaposition, the epoch of the near … Read more