Summer 2024 Internship with Magpantay & Associates

Glenn D. Magpantay, a long-time civil rights attorney, Professor of Law and Asian American Studies, and United States Commissioner for Civil Rights seeks college and law students for Summer 2024 internships with his firm, Magpantay & Associates, a nonprofit consulting and legal services firm. 


  1. LEGAL SUPPORT for “Justice for Jaxon “campaign
  2. BOOK PROJECT on the history/ herstory/ their story of the Asian American LGBTQ community over the past 25 years across the country
  3. U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
  4. Voting Rights
  5. Other Project and Responsibilities
    • Communications: Website development, writing, social media  
    • Assist in organizing LGBTQ Asian American bar association educational events (CLE).
    • Lobby the U.S. House of Representatives to pass the LGBTQ Equality Act and/or the US Citizenship Act. Any required travel to Washington DC will be fully covered. 

Student(s) will develop their research, writing, interviewing skills; project management; event planning and execution; experience in conducting a scientific, community-based needs assessment.

Supervision will include an initial orientation, weekly, or bi-weekly, supervision meetings to go over progress, issues, and further guidance.

This internship is not a paid position, but students can arrange for academic credit, scholarship or summer intern stipend from various academic programs.  Interns are expected to work between 8 to 15 hours per week.  Many tasks can be held in the evenings and weekends. 

Summer Internships are 12 weeks and begin in late May and go through the end of August.  Time off can be arranged for summer vacations. 

Interested applicants should send a resume and cover email to  Write: “Intern Applicant Summer 2023: < NAME>” in the Subject. 

The cover email should state the number of hours the intern is able to work per week and any bilingual ability.

Contact Glenn at

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