Conference on South Asians in the U.S. – Program

Conference Program

Breakfast and Registration
8:30AM – 9:00AM

9:00AM – 9:15AM

  • Parmatma Saran, Professor, Sociology, Baruch College, CUNY
  • Betty Lee Sung, Chairperson, Asian American / Asian Research Institute, CUNY
  • Russell K. Hotzler, Vice Chancellor for Academic Program Planning, CUNY

Session 1
9:15AM – 10:30AM

Presider: Thomas Tam, Executive Director, Asian American / Asian Research Institute, CUNY

  • Sambhavi Lakshminarayanan, Professor, School of Business, Medgar Evers College, CUNY
    Topic: “Creating a Place for Your Child and Family in the School Community—a Guide for Minority Parents”
  • Mahbudul Joarder, Attorney at Law & Educationalist
    Topic: “Higher Education: Challenges and Opportunities for Immigrant Students in New York”
  • Discussion

Session 2
10:30AM – 12:45PM

Presider: Betty Lee Sung, Chairperson, Asian American / Asian Research Institute, CUNY

  • Parmatma Saran, Professor, Sociology, Baruch College, CUNY
    Topic: “Some Sociological Observations Concerning Asian Indians”
  • Minhaj Qidwai, Contributing Editor, South Asian Insider
    Topic: “Experiences of Immigrants from Pakistan”
  • Moinuddin Naser, Journalist, Bangla Patrika
    Topic: “Bangladeshi Immigrants and Their Security Perception”
  • Pyong Gap Min, Professor, Sociology, Queens College, CUNY
    Topic: “Religion, Host Hostility, and Religious, Ethnic and Pan-Ethnic Identities Among South Asian College Students”
  • Discussion

12:45AM – 2:00PM

Session 3
2:00PM – 3:00PM

Presider: Rohit Parikh, Distinguished Professor, Computer Science, Brooklyn College, CUNY

  • Wali Mondal, Associate Professor, Business, University of Redlands, California
    Topic: “The Market for Microedit – Old Wine in New Bottle”
  • Vinit Parmar, Assistant Professor, Film, Brooklyn College, CUNY
    Topic: “Health and Environmental Issues in the Tannery and Textile Industries”
  • Discussion

Session 4
3:00PM – 4:00PM

  • Presider: Meena Alexander, Distinguished Professor, English, Hunter College, CUNY
  • Siona Benjamin, Painter
    Topic: “Finding Home and the Dilemma of Belonging”
  • Jaskiran Mathur, SAKHI for South Asian Women
    Topic: “Empowerment – The SAHKI Experience”
  • Sunita Peacock, Assistant Professor, English, Slippery Rock University, Pennsylvania
    Topic: “The Negotiation of Space: Interrogating Identity in the Lives of South Asian/Indians”
  • Discussion

Author Bio

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