Job Op – Vice President, Programs (Nonprofit New York)

…an experienced, highly-motivated, and self-directed strategic thought-partner responsible for providing executive level vision, direction, and management oversight of three key program areas: capacity building, public policy advocacy, and member services….

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Goodnight Moon, Goodnight Zoom: A Guide to Parenting during COVID-19

…May 18, 2020, [12] Bill Weir, “To my son, born in the time of coronavirus and climate change,” CNN Weather, April 25, 2020, accessed on May 19, 2020,….

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Quadruple Fears:
In the Perfect Global Storm

…Italy had said coronavirus is a disease for the yellow people, not for us,’” Reddit, March 24, 2020,; [9] 【夏明:新型冠状病毒是SARS的升级版 或有人为干预】2/1 #时事大家谈 #精彩点评, YouTube, [10] Sarah Turnbul,…

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