CJ & TIFF K-Story Fund for Korean Canadian/American Filmmakers

The CJ + TIFF K-Story Fund, presented by CJ Cultural Foundation and TIFF in collaboration with KOFIC, is a new programme that aims to foster, support, and champion Korean Canadian and Korean American filmmakers looking to develop their first or second feature film.

Call for Papers – Symposium on “Asian/Pacific/American Studies and Crisis”

The symposium will explore how the concept of “crisis” can expand our understanding of what Asian/Pacific/American studies is and can be. NYU A/P/A Graduate Student Student Working Group seeking papers that engage with the interconnected continental and oceanic dimensions of Asian, Pacific, and American worlds, particularly as they relate to empires and colonialisms. Call for … Read more

Call for Submissions – 2024-25 Franklin Furnace for Performance Art Fund

The Franklin Furnace FUND for Performance Art awards grants ranging from $2,000 – $10,000 annually to early career artists of all backgrounds to assist the production of new major performance art works. Artists from all areas of the world are encouraged to apply and selected artists must present their work in New York City.

Young Advocate Program (Young Invincibles)

The Young Advocates Program is a leadership development program of Young Invincibles (YI), a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization whose mission is to amplify the voices of young adults in the political process and expand economic opportunity for our generation.

NYC Ladders for Leaders program for high school and college students

Ladders for Leaders is a nationally recognized program that offers outstanding high school and college students the opportunity to participate in paid professional summer internships with leading corporations, non-profit organizations and government agencies in New York City.