New York casino expansion targets Asian Americans

Critics say major casino operators use aggressive advertisements tailored towards the community. Opponents argue the use of culturally significant symbols and celebrations preys on the historically marginalized group for profit.

Three QC Professors To Tackle Immigration Challenges as Fellows, a bipartisan political organization founded by Mark Zuckerberg that advocates for evidence-based reforms in the areas of criminal justice and immigration, has announced its immigration fellows for the 2024–25 cycle. Only eight fellows were selected nationwide, and three of them are Queens College professors: Amy Hsin (Sociology), Francesc Ortega (Economics), and Kevin Shih (Economics). Immigration … Read more

In Memoriam: Marnia Lazreg

A Graduate Center-affiliated sociologist is remembered as one of the most respected academic voices on women’s affairs in North Africa.

No Box to Check: When the Census Doesn’t Reflect You

While people of MENA heritage are by no means monolithic, they do share one common experience in the United States. On official forms, most don’t see themselves represented among the check boxes for race or ethnicity. With few good options, many end up being counted as “white.”

New Department of Social and Critical Inquiry Established in CLAS at UConn

The new Department of Social and Critical Inquiry unites four CLAS formerly non-departmentally organized units into a single department: the American Studies Program, the Asian and Asian American Studies Institute, the Native American and Indigenous Studies Initiative, and the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program.