New $800,000 MacArthur Genius grant winners named
At least three Asian Americans are among the 22 MacArthur Genius fellowship winnersnamed this week.
Asian American / Asian Research Institute
The City University of New York
At least three Asian Americans are among the 22 MacArthur Genius fellowship winnersnamed this week.
Astrophysicist Charles Liu demystifies quantum physics in his third book of an educational series.
Connie Chiu and Haniya Rumaney received grants for research on authoritarianism and conspiracy theories.
A film that chronicled the six-year struggle to free Chol Soo Lee, a Korean American immigrant wrongfully convicted for the 1973 murder of Yip Tee Tak in San Francisco Chinatown, has won an Emmy for best historical documentary.
Governor John Carney (D-DE) signed two bills into law Thursday. One makes his state the seventh in the nation to integrate Asian American and Pacific Islander history into k-12 schools along with all other American histories.
The United States has long had more immigrants than any other country. In fact, the U.S. is home to one-fifth of the world’s international migrants. These immigrants come from just about every country in the world.