A World Within – A Documentary

Sponsored by the CUNY Diversity Projects and Faculty Development Fund, “A World Within” is a 30-minute informational documentary depicting the viewpoint of students, staff, faculty, and community leaders on the topic of diversity within the CUNY University system. It is an insight into the thoughts, accomplishments and future direction of all who care about integrating … Read more

The Secret History of the Politics of Public Spending in Japan

Japan’s meteoric economic rise from the end of World War II through the 1980s and then its rapid descent into economic stagnation is one of the greatest reversals of economic fortunes among the industrialized democracies. Japan’s public finances followed a similar arc, with Japan, a former model of fiscal discipline and restrained spending, becoming virtually … Read more

Ayurveda & Yoga: India’s Traditional Art Forms

Ayurveda which is India’s traditional medicinal systems dates back 5000 years in recorded history. It is an indigenous medicinal system, which is always evolving and is a science which has been time tested. Ayurveda teaches one to learn to become one’s own doctor so that when the ‘doshas’ (constitution types) go out of ‘balance’ the … Read more

The Halalitization of Asian American Studies?

What does it mean to be a hyphenated Muslim in a post-9/11 world? How do Muslim artists, writers and filmmakers address these issues of identity, assimilation, and recreation in homes they have made outside of what has been called the “Muslim World”? What was earlier Muslim Diaspora cultural production dealing with before 9/11 put them … Read more

Becoming Religious: The Reformation of Nationalism in Thailand

Almost all representations of Thailand refer to it as Buddhist. The majority of its citizens identify themselves as practitioners of Theravada Buddhism, although a history of sectarian disputes within this strand of Buddhism has also provided an idiom for regional political movements. Today, the status of religion is changing. Debates about the constitutional formalization of … Read more