The Necessary Stage: Effective Use of Community Theatre

Alvin Tan will share his experiences on the effective use of community theatre. He will discuss The Necessary Stage’s devising and collaborative methodology, using some plays to illustrate how The Necessary Stage negotiates multiple cultural sensibilities, and the need to educate themselves before embarking on the artistic journey of theatre-making. One of the plays include … Read more

Painting Future: How the Market Economy Transforms Community Through Community Thangka Art in Rebgong

This talk is based on Dr. Ming Xue’s ethnographic research in Rebgong from 2009 to 2013. In Rebgong, Buddhist thangka painting is one of the major sources of income of local residents. Although thangka was traditionally a painting for religious teaching and practice, the aesthetic and economic value of thangka art has been increasingly recognized by … Read more

Modern Societal Impacts of the Model Minority Stereotype

The model minority stereotype is a form of racism that targets Asian/Americans, portraying them as consistently hard working and academically successful. Rooted partially in news media portrayal and popular press reinforcement, the model minority stereotype has tremendous societal, ethical, moral, and psychological implications. In his talk, editor Hartlep will discuss Modern Societal Impacts of the … Read more

Chinese Immigration and Poetry at Angel Island and Ellis Island

In the early twentieth century, most Chinese immigrants coming to the United States were detained at the Angel Island Immigration Station in San Francisco Bay.  There, they were subject to physical exams, interrogations, and long detentions aimed at upholding the exclusion laws that kept Chinese out of the country. Many detainees recorded their anger and frustrations, … Read more