As different experts from CUNY are beginning the brainstorming process to generate a relevant and comprehensive plan to help rebuild the region affected by tsunami disaster, the Asian American/Asian Research Institute, at the suggestion of Executive Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, Dr. Selma Botman, is taking the initiative to reach out to faculty and staff within CUNY that have the expertise and knowledge of the local region, who can provide understanding and a useful background of the local needs that will match the resources available at the City University of New York.
* In Japan there is a cascade of art, poetry and literature on tsunami. Wood block prints depicting tsunamis by Hokusai, the Japanese 18th century artist, are a collector’s item.
Spring 2005
The Recent Tsunami: A Geologist’s Perspective
02-16-05 / Nehru E. Cherukupalli (Brooklyn College/CUNY)
Issues Concerning International Relief at Sri Lanka
02-23-05 / Harendra Sirisena (NYC College of Technology/CUNY)
Social Work Response to the Tsunami in Aceh and Nias Indonesia
03-02-05 / Martha Haffey (Hunter College School of Social Work)
Understanding Traumatic Grief Reactions in the Aftermath of Natural Disasters
03-09-05 / Sung Ha Suh (John Jay College of Criminal Justice/CUNY)
Current Reconstruction/ Rehabilitation Work in Sri Lanka
03-16-05 / Bhante Kondanna (Staten Island Buddhist Temple)
BMCC Workshop on CUNY Response to Tsunami
03-23-05 / Nehru Cherukupalli (Brooklyn College/CUNY), Bhante Kondanna (Staten Island Buddhist Temple), Harendra Sirisena (NYC College of Technology/CUNY) & Thomas Tam (AAARI-CUNY)
Conversation on American Relief in South Asia
04-01-05 / Parmatma Saran (Baruch College/CUNY), Harendra Sirisena (NYC College of Technology) & Thomas Tam (AAARI-CUNY)
Disaster Relief Program Donors: V.T. Alexander, Yunah Hong, Jackson Ning, Arleen Schreiner, Jerome Krase, Suzanne Nicoletti-Krase Uday Naval
Bureau Coordinator: Maggie Fung