Conference on Asian Pacific Islanders and HIV / AIDS

Date: Monday, May 19, 2008

Time: 1PM – 4PM

Place: NYU Langone Medical Center
Schwartz Auditorium F

Part of National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, please join us for a CONFERENCE ON ASIANS, PACIFIC ISLANDERS AND HIV/AIDS

Registration & Light Refreshments:  1pm

Panel Discussion:  1:45pm

Speakers will include:

  • John Chin, Associate Professor, Hunter College, Department of Urban Affairs – “Chinese Immigrant Religious Institutions and HIV:  A Study of Organizational Innovativeness, Social Networks and Religious Worldviews”
  • Sumon Chin, Director, HIV/AIDS Services, Chinese-American Planning Council, Inc.,CEO, US-China AIDS Alliance – “Targeting A&PI Immigrant MSM – Community Promise: Successes and Challenges”
  • David Ho, MD., Director and Chief Executive Officer, Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center – “Update on HIV Vaccine Development”
  • Wayne Ho, Executive Director, Coalition for Asian American Children and Families – “Building a Pan Asian Coalition for Health Access”
  • Sapna Pandya, South Asian Health Initiative – “Scaling the HIValayas:  An Overview of HIV/AIDS in South Asia”
  • Punkin Clay Stephens, Senior Associate for Prevention Sciences and Applied Epidemiology, AIDS Institute NYSDOH – “HIV/AIDS Among Asians & Pacific Islanders in New York State”
  • Larry Tantay, Community Health Education and Young Men Sex with Men Coordinator, MSM Program, APICHA – “The One Stop Shop:  APICHA and the Epidemic”

During the conference, APICHA will conduct confidential and free HIV testing.

Many Thanks to Our Sponsors:

  • Asian & Pacific Islander Coalition on HIV/AIDS
  • Asia Society
  • Asian Pacific Islander American Health Forum
  • Coalition for Asian Children and Families
  • Chinese American Planning Council, Inc
  • Family Health Project
  • Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies, NYS DOH AI Community Development Initiative
  • NYU Center for the Study of Asian American Health

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