2024 AAIFF: CUNY Shorts Showcase

August 2 to 11, 2024

Video On Demand: https://www.aaiff.org/aaiff47/cuny-shorts-showcase-vod-3

Since 2004, the CUNY Asian American Film Festival (AAFF) has recognized and awarded over $14,900 in cash prizes to student filmmakers enrolled at the City University of New York. The CUNY AAFF helps to promote the artistic visual talents of CUNY students and serve as a central location to display their creative works.

Films in this year’s CUNY Shorts Showcase, part of the 47th Asian American International Film Festival deal with topics/genres including: the Bengali dessert chomchom; a husband’s selfishness and regret; the work of textile artist and art historian Dr.  Nazanin Hedeyat Munroe; isolation during Covid-19; and the Bangladesh Liberation War.

Tickets are donation-based! Guests need to RSVP to receive a link to the screening.

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