Job Op – Assistant Professor in Rhetoric and Culture of the Global South and/or Radical Racial Movements (University of Colorado Boulder)

Eligible candidates should be willing and able to teach core classes (such as argumentation, rhetorical criticism, public advocacy, rhetorical theory, and/or social movements), as well as have expertise in one or more of the following areas of Cultural Studies and Ethnic Studies, working from and between intersectional perspectives such as: African & Black Studies; Asian … Read more

Job Op – Assistant Professor, East Asian History (Illinois State University)

East Asian History. Illinois State University invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor in East Asian History, beginning August 16, 2024. Specialization is open, but, in addition to a survey course on East Asian history, the hire will teach upper-division courses on both Chinese and Japanese history.

Social status is not a predictor of heart health for Asians/POC

White people from high-income groups live better heart-healthy lives than Asians, Black and Hispanic patients from similar income levels. That’s the conclusion of a study from Ohio State University published today in the Journal of the American Heart Association.