CUNY Workshop on Multicultural Awareness

CUNY Workshop on Multicultural Awareness Date: Friday, February 25, 2005 Time: 9:30AM to 1:30PM Place: Gerald W. Lynch Theatre, John Jay College of Criminal Justice 899 Tenth Avenue, Manhattan A CUNY-wide workshop on multicultural awareness is organized by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Development and Enrollment Management, with co-sponsorship from the Asian … Read more

Issues Concerning International Relief Efforts in Sri Lanka

CUNY Response to Tsunami Disaster in South Asia Speakers Bureau Issues Concerning International Relief Efforts in Sri Lanka This paper is about primary issues one must be familiar with to effectively advance the relief effort in Sri Lanka, my native land. I have divided the content into two sections : 1. Psycho-social counseling and 2. … Read more

Cultural Restoration and Service-Learning in Mongolia

In June 2004, Pace University in New York organized its first international service-learning program to Mongolia. In cooperation with the Cultural Restoration Tourism Project (CRTP), a San Francisco-based NGO, students who registered for a regular course focusing on the history of Tibetan Buddhism had a chance to help restore a Tibetan Buddhist monastery at Baldan … Read more

CUNY Response to Tsunami Disaster in South Asia Speakers Bureau

As different experts from CUNY are beginning the brainstorming process to generate a relevant and comprehensive plan to help rebuild the region affected by tsunami disaster, the Asian American/Asian Research Institute, at the suggestion of Executive Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, Dr. Selma Botman, is taking the initiative to reach out to faculty and staff … Read more

The Recent Tsunami: A Geologist’s Perspective

CUNY Response to Tsunami Disaster in South Asia Speakers Bureau The Recent Tsunami: A Geologist’s Perspective Prof. Cherukupalli, who has just recently returned from India, and was present during the disaster, will be discussing about the physical nature of the recent tsunami and its impact on the South Asian region based on his experience.

Chinese Martial Arts: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Chinese kung fu is perhaps the single Chinese cultural tradition that is most widely recognized the world over. What was once an obscure fighting art practiced in secrecy by monks, rebels and warriors in ancient China is now part of the global pop culture as is evident by international block buster movies like Crouching Tiger … Read more