Celebrating the Year of the Monkey

Presented by the KBCC Asian Society
Featuring Chinese Folk Dance Company

Date: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 Time: 11:20AM

Place: Kingsborough Community College, CUNY – Mac Theater

Dance Program

Charles Kee (Faculty Advisor) / Luisa Wang (Asian Society President)

Betty Lee Sung (Chair, Asian American / Asian Research Institute, CUNY)

  • Soaring Bamboo Bells
  • Juggling Plates
  • Moonlit Spring Night Over a River of Flowers
  • Across the River
  • Lotus Aria
  • Sword Demonstration
  • The Monkey King
  • Red Ribbon Demonstration
  • Red Silk Ribbon Dance

For more information on China Dance NY, please visit www.chinesedance.org

The Asian Society

The Asian Society focuses on sharing Asian Culture with the college community through a variety of programs.

Past programs have included an Annual Asian Cultural Performance at the MAC. This performance involved both students and professional performers. It promotes the richness of the Asian Culture through a combination of historical narratives, silk, sword and fan dances. Other activities have included food fairs, martial arts exhibitions, and participation in college wide charity fund raising and inter-club activities.

Meetings are usually held once per month during the fall and spring semesters and are announced in college newspapers and flyers. For further information please contact the faculty advisor, Professor Charlie Kee of the Department of Business at (718) 368-5555

Author Bio

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