Navigating Alliances with AAPIs: Ethical Dilemmas and Values of Community-Based Research

4th Annual AAPI Policy Research Summit

Navigating Alliances with AAPIs:

Ethical Dilemmas and Values of Community-Based Research

Wednesday, April 22, 2015
10AM to 4PM

Loyola University Chicago – Corboy Law Center
25 East Pearson Street – Kasbeer Hall, 15th Floor
Chicago, IL 60611

Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders are growing and diverse populations within the United States who, despite great strides, have struggled to have places at the policy table. The AAPI Policy Research Consortium (AAPIPRC) contributes to this work by promoting, supporting and conducting applied research that informs policy discourse and decisions. Held on April 22nd, 2015 at Loyola University Chicago, this year’s AAPIPRC Conference focuses on “Navigating Alliances with AAPIs: Ethical Dilemmas and Values of Community-Based Research.”

Convening stakeholders from the non-profit sector, government, and higher education, this conference seeks to cultivate opportunities for community-based research. It explores the navigation and analysis of diverse AAPI interests, the fostering of sustained resources and outcomes, long-term needs for community-research collaborations, and more. This two-part convening first provides an introduction to principles of community-research partnership and promising practices through a Midwest lens. Secondly, it engages participants in models, approaches, and practices of community-research partnerships through panels and roundtable discussions to facilitate and encourage opportunities for networking and sustained collaboration.
AAPI Policy Research Consortium
CUNY Asian American / AsianResearch Institute
UC AAPI Policy Multi-CampusResearch Program
UCLA Asian American Studies Center
UMass Boston Institute forAsian American Studies
Loyola University Chicago School of Education
Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Chicago
Association for Asian American Studies

Planning Committee Members and Conference Staff Central Planning Committee:

  • OiYan Poon, Assistant Professor, Loyola University Chicago
  • Ester Sihite, PhD Student, Loyola University Chicago
  • Kathleen Yang-Clayton, Advancing Justice-Chicago
  • Dian Squire, PhD Candidate, Loyola University Chicago

Steering Committee:

  • C.W. Chan, Chairman, Coalition for a Better Chinese American Community
  • Kim Chanbonpin, Associate Professor, John Marshal Law School
  • Sumi Cho, Professor of Law, DePaul University
  • Inchul Choi, Executive Director, Korean American Community Services
  • Maria Ferrera, Assistant Professor, DePaul University
  • Ami Gandhi, Executive Director, South Asian American Policy & Research Institute
  • Rooshey Hasnain, Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Jae Jin Pak, Visiting Research Associate, Asians with Disabilities Outreach Project Think Tank
  • Jennifer Tani, Assistant Vice President, Roosevelt University
  • Ryan Yokota, PhD Student, University of Chicago

On-Site Volunteers:

  • Kat Murphy, Loyola University Chicago
  • Samantha Ng, Loyola University Chicago
  • Sunny Seto, University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Marlena Yang, Loyola University Chicago

Author Bio