Screening & Discussion with Transgender Activist Pauline Park

Hunter College, CUNY Asian American Studies Program

Screening & Discussion with Transgender Activist Pauline Park

Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Time: 2PM to 4PM

Place: Hunter College, CUNY
695 Park Avenue, Manhattan
Hunter West Building – Room 215

Free Admission



“Envisioning Justice: The Journey of a Transgendered Woman” tells the story of Pauline Park, tracing her life from her birth in Korea and her adoption by European American parents. In the summer of 2006, Park and filmmaker Larry Tung went back to the south side of Milwaukee to visit the house where she was raised, the first time that she had been inside her childhood home since 1981; they also visited the elementary school, junior high and high school that she attended in her youth.
The documentary traces her childhood and adolescence in Milwaukee to her first coming out, at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and then her experiences living in London and attending the London School of Economics. The film then examines Park’s activism, including her work with the New York Association for Gender Rights Advocacy (NYAGRA) and her leadership of the campaign for passage of Intro No. 24, the transgender rights ordinance enacted by the New York City Council as Local Law 3 of 2002. “Envisioning Justice” concludes with interviews with friends, family and colleagues and candid reflections life and love from Pauline Park herself.

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