Hunter College, CUNY Asian American Studies Program Open House

Hunter College, CUNY Asian American Studies Program Open House

Date: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 Time: 1:10PM to 3:00PM

Place: Hunter College, CUNY
695 Park Avenue, Manhattan
Hunter West 511


Are you curious about Asian American Studies?
We’re curious about you!08-02-13-aasp-030

Join us for a casual forum where you can learn more about the Hunter Asian American Studies Program (AASP). Peter Kwong, co-founder of the program in 1993, will provide a brief history of the AASP at Hunter, and you’ll be able to meet other AASP faculty and students to talk about our classes, minoring, P&D requirements, and how coursework in Asian American Studies will enhance your degree and experience here at Hunter.


For more information, contact the AASP Program Coordinator:


Co-sponsored by A.S.I.A. – Asian Students In Action

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