Filipino American Psychology: A Handbook of Theory, Research, and Clinical Practice

Filipino Americans are the second largest Asian American/ Pacific Islander population in the United States and they are projected to become the largest Asian American population by 2010. With 1.37 million Filipino-born immigrants living in the US, Filipino Americans are the second largest immigrant population in the country. As descendants of the Philippines, a country … Read more

Mindfulness Meditation and Autonomy: A Buddhist Theory of Free Will

I argued in my dissertation that the ‘hard’ metaphysical problem of free will may be explained in simple, metaphysically ‘easy’ causal/functional terms as a product of the mechanics of metacognitive mental causation: There seems to be a causal connection between the extent to which the mind can “go meta-“, or loop back in reflectively on … Read more

Early Childhood Education, Postcolonial Theory, and Teaching Practices in India: Balancing Vygotsky and the Veda

Conceptualized within a socio-cultural constructivist and postcolonial paradigm, the book explores a definite tension between “Western” theories of child development and the “Indian” ways of being and thinking. Based on the author’s doctoral study, the book provides a richly descriptive and relatively unexamined account of the culturally complex and multi-dimensional relationship that exists in urban … Read more

Consciousness and the Representational Theory of Mind: An Overview of the Philosophical Debate

Representationalism is the view in philosophy and cognitive science that the mind is nothing more than a representational system. According to representationalism, any two creatures that are representationally identical are mentally identical. The chief obstacle to representationalism is consciousness. Consciousness, it has been argued, resists explanation in representational terms. The philosophical debate over consciousness and … Read more

The Reception of Einstein and His Theory of Relativity in China (1917-1979)

This lecture will explore China’s reception of the celebrated physicist and his theory of relativity between 1917 and 1979. It will introduce the pioneers who introduced and disseminated the revolutionary theory in China; explain why relativity was introduced and swiftly absorbed by the Chinese. The lecture will emphasize the significant role of the May Fourth … Read more