The History of Paredon Records

Dr. Theodore S. Gonzalves will discuss his next book project focusing on the history of a record label, Paredon Records, which released 50 albums of what is essentially (but all too often poorly categorized as) protest music, between 1970 and 1985. The label’s founders were U.S. activists and artists who initially were inspired by the Cuban revolution’s commitment to supporting the work of politically committed singer-songwriters from Latin America. Barbara Dane and Irwin Silber expanded that initial geographic focus to include LPs from Asia (the Philippines, China, Vietnam, Thailand), Africa (Angola), the middle east, and even radical songs and music from Europe (the UK, Ireland, and Greece) and the United States.

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Chinese Names and Genealogical Records for Jiapu

The genealogies have long been used by historians, archaeologists, sociologists, ethnologists, and demographers in their investigation of past human behavior on social and historical evidences relating to a lineage organization or a clan. Chinese genealogical records, also called pudie 譜牒, zongpu 宗譜, zupu 族譜, jiapu 家譜, zipu 支譜, or jiacheng 家乗, has been used for … Read more