Examining the Backlash Against Middle Eastern and South Asian Americans in the Wake of 9/11

This presentation summarizes some of the key findings of a four-year study of the post-911 discriminatory backlash against Middle Eastern and South Asian Americans.  This backlash has taken at least two forms: 1) hate crimes and biased incidents; and 2) the USA Patriot Act, and the series of government initiatives that followed 9/11. To effectively … Read more

Introduction To Nagarjuna’s Middle View of Buddhism

Nagarjuna is generally recognized as the founding father of Mahajuna Buddhism. Based on his work “Mulamadhyamika Karika,” the discussion will focus on the original contribution of the Buddha, and Nagarjuna’s elaboration of the middle way, and the relationship between Pratityasmautpada (inter-relatedness of everything) and Sunyata (emptiness). Online Notes