Dismantling Everyday Discrimination: Microaggressions Toward LGBTQ People

Distinguished Professor Kevin Nadal will discuss his new book, Dismantling Everyday Discrimination: Microaggressions Toward LGBTQ People, examining the microaggressions that LGBTQ people face on a daily basis, highlights their impact on mental health, and discusses ways mental health providers can help clients process and address microaggressions.

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Asian-American Social Workers’ Career, Stress, and Well-Being

Research on Asian-American career choice, career experience, work-related stress, and well-being has been extremely limited. Based on a comprehensive online survey with a total of 208 Asian-American social work administrators, supervisors, practitioners, and graduate social work students, Prof. Kenny Kwong will present on the career choices, barriers and prospects, work-related stress, and professional quality of life Asian-American social workers.

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