Man on Extremely Small Island

…in diners at night, / hogging the booths with their books, / hunched over the moonlight / of pages.” I find his vision expansive and humane. –Bob Hicok URL:

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Peach Blossom Pavilion Author, musician and artist, Dr. Mingmei Yip will present a reading (with performances) from her recently published novel, Peach Blossom Pavilion (Kensington Books, 2008) a fictionalized tale of the…

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Someone Else’s War

…them. They are low wage workers imported from South and Southeast Asia to cook food, wash laundry, and deliver fuel. They are what the military calls “third country nationals,” and…

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The Hole in the Wall

…the net, read the news, and download games and music. Mitra then replicated the experiment in other locations. Each time the results were similar: within hours, and without instruction, the…

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Globalization and Gender in India

…Miss World Pageant (1996), and the nuclear tests (1998). In these sites the debate around Indian nationhood is deeply gendered and sexualized. I argue that with imbrication of the Indian…

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