*Be Advised, Workshop Will Be Conducted In Mandarin, But With English Translation*
Workshop Schedule
(6 Sessions)
Date: June 2, 9, 16, 23, 30; July 7, 2004
Time: 6PM to 8PM
Place: 25 West 43rd Street, 18th Floor
between 5th & 6th Avenues, Manhattan
The three climatic stages in the evolution of Chinese cinema is full of excitement and successes. The three stages represented the high quality in Chinese cinema. This workshop series will serve as a talk into the details and explainations of these three stages. We will also be watching a variety of movies in which we can talk about and analyze. This workshop series will also talk about movies from Taiwan, and Hong Kong.
Evolution of Chinese Cinema Syllabus
Session 1 – Chinese Cinema in the 1930s
After over 10 years of preparation and hard work, Chinese cinema began to reach new heights for the first time (first climatic stage). Not only did the quantity of movies increase, but quality itself took on a whole new level, revealing a new class of style and technique.
Old City Dreams
Wild Flowers & Grass
The Songstress Hong
Tao Li Jie
The Fish Lullaby
The Angel of the Road
The Goddess
The Crossroad
Notes From Session 1 – MS Word Document
Session 2 – Chinese Cinema After Winning the Sino-Japanese War
Chinese cinema reached another level after China won the Sino-Japanese War. The main focus of movies had shifted to concentrating on individual characters within the movie, and thus a slew of great films on character development emerged.
From the Dark Night to Day Light
The Number One – Tian
8000 li Road, Cloud & Moon
The Spring of Water That Flowed East
10,000 Families’ Lantern
The Beauty’s Journey
The Journey of San Mao
Notes From Session 2 – MS Word Document
Session 3 – Chinese Cinema After the Cultural Liberation
After the cultural liberation, Chinese cinema stepped into a new era. The thinking behind film making made lightning fast changes. From the traditional opera-styled them, Chinese cinema has evolved into a literary based theme. Many new movies were released with completely new filming techniques and styles. These films represented a big step forward in the filming techniques and artistic qualities in Chinese cinema.
The Legend of Tian Yun Mountain
The Corner That Was Forgotten By Love
The Smile of One Who is Worried
Little Street
Notes From Session 3 – MS Word Document
Session 4 & 5 – The 5th Generation of Chinese Movie Directors
The 5th generation of Chinese movie directors has completely changed their thinking behind movies. they returned to the artistic way of filming, concentrating on each scene and the subtle meaning behind every scene. These film directors released some of the most praised works of art and established their own milestone in the history of Chinese cinema.
The One and Eight
The Yellow Ground
The Tall Red Pillar
The Black Canon
This workshop will also talk about director Zhang Yi Mou & Chen Kai Ge’s filming style/technique in their movies. Movies including (Big Red Lantern That Hangs High), (Qiu Ju’s Law Suit), (Hero), (The Lord), and (With You).
Notes From Session 4 & 5 – MS Word Document
Session 6 – Taiwan & Hong Kong Cinema, Chinese Cinema and the World’s View
The 1960s marked the ‘autumn harvest’ of Taiwanese cinema. Li Xiang’s historical movies, Hu Jing Qiu’s Kung Fu movies and Li He Xiang’s comedies all made headlines. In the 1970s, movies from Taiwan were unparalleled. For 1980s and onward, the lecture will focus on Hong Kong movies, including those starring Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan. Directors Wu Yen Send and Li An’s work will also be discussed.
Notes From Session 6 – MS Word Document

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Fax: 212-869-0181
E-Mail: events@aaari.info