Introduction to Magic Squares

Motivated by a game called the “Tower of Hanoi” played by the monks in Hanoi, Dr. Lap found a game that he loves called – “Magic Square” in a book called “Lo Shu” in Beijing. The principle of the “Magic Square” is to arrange the numbers in any square that is equal or larger than … Read more

Sunrise On Mulberry Street

This narrative feature movie is shot with a mini-digital video camera, with a volunteer cast and crew for most of whom, this is their first feature length movie. “The tragic suicide of two Chinese American sisters 20 years ago shocked the residents of Chinatown and struck a chord with many immigrant families. Today the story … Read more

A Comparison on Chinese, Indian, and Korean Immigrants in New York in Ethnic Attachment and Solidarity

Based on a book currently being written for Columbia University on ethnic attachment, this talk will explain the solidarity among Chinese, Indian and Korean immigrants in New York City. Sociologists often lump together ethnic attachment and ethnic solidarity into the same category. Though distinctively interrelated, both are significantly different from one another in their explanations … Read more

Is Yellow Black or White: Revisited

In my 1994 book, Margins and Mainstreams: Asians in American History and Culture, I wrote: “We are a kindred people, African and Asian Americans. We share a history of migration, interaction and cultural sharing, and commerce and trade. We share a history of European colonization, de-colonization, and independence under neo-colonization and dependency. We share a … Read more

Asian American Media in the Last Decade

Originally, the main focus of the lecture would be on Asian-American Media in the Last Decade, but after careful reconsideration, it was pushed back to 1987, the year the Asian American International Film Festival celebrated its 10th anniversary. Deemed the Asian American version of Brats, it was a year when many young generation filmmakers and … Read more