Hong Kong Cinema

In the past decade, many Americans, whether or not they share a Chinese heritage, have become used to Hong Kong films, stars, directors and even choreography in the mainstream multiplex. Yet, this newfound globalization, whether embodied in Jackie Chan blockbusters, Wong Kar-Wai success in art cinema, or pirate VCDs, is also a phase in a … Read more

Asian American Males on Mass Media

Reporter Ti-Hua Chang will discuss the challenges faced by being an Asian American male on broadcast television, as well as being an Asian American in corporate America.

The New Profile of Chinese Americans

Kwong will talk about dramatic economic and political changes that have occurred within the Chinese community during the last twenty years and the challenges they have posed.

Rethinking Feminist Ideals: The Voices of Asian American Women

The study of Asian-American women’s experience is in a relatively nascent stage despite both an established base of feminist thought centered on Asian-American women and current efforts by young Asian-American women to achieve standing as individuals and as members of a unique gender and racially-based minority in the U.S.   This lecture will discuss how … Read more

Fostering High Achievement Through Active Learning

Mathematics professors from BMCC and New York City Public School 34 math teachers and educators under the BMCC Fulbright-Hays Grants spent four weeks in China this Summer 2004. During the four weeks in China, the Fulbright participants visited more than twenty historical sights, museums, libraries, and famous mathematicians’ special collections. They had the privilege and … Read more

Continental Drift

I will speak briefly about the influence of East Asian aesthetics and texts on my own work, then read relevant pieces my new manuscript, The Narrow Road to the Interior (title inspired by the poet, Basho). Specifically, I will talk about The Tale of Genji by Murasaki Shikibu and the Pillow Book by Sei Shonagon; … Read more