Nana (Japan, 2005), Running Time: 114 Minutes
Based on the popular manga, this series follows the adventures of two girls named Nana who depend on each other’s help to realize their dreams: Nana Komatsu yearns for true love, while Nana Osaki wants to get her punk band off the ground. The two meet on a train to Tokyo, where Nana K. aims to reunite with her boyfriend and Nana O. hopes to make it big in the music business. Despite their differences, the pair hit it off and become roommates.
Workshop Instructor: Vinit Parmar
Workshop Coordinator: Antony Wong
Technical Assistance: William Tam, Lawrence Tse, Zhu-Hui Wu
Co-Organizer: Chinatown Partnership
This program is supported, in part, with funds from
Lower Manhattan Cultural Council
New York City Department of Cultural Affairs
New York City Department of Parks & Recreation
New York State Council on the Arts
Special Thanks
Office of the Manhattan Borough President
Korean Cultural Service
Southwest Airlines
Tai Seng Entertainment