Hunting Chinggis Khan’s Skull and Soul: Inner Asian Frontiers of Historical Ideology and Racial Imaginations

Since the early 20th century, Chinggis Khan has become an object of desire and repulsion to many nations and individuals in the world. He has been identified by the Japanese as the 13th-century tragic hero Minamoto Yoshitsune, and recognized by the Chinese as ‘the only Chinese who has ever defeated the Europeans’. His virtue and … Read more

Chinese America: The Untold Story of America’s Oldest New Community

Prof. Kwong will focus his presentation on the current issues affecting Asian American studies, and the need for a new civil rights agenda in the United States. Here is the definitive portrait of Chinese America, charting 150 years of American history from the Chinese frontiersmen of the Wild West to the high-tech transnationals of today’s … Read more