Russell C. Leong, former CUNY Thomas Tam Visiting Professor and current senior editor of international projects for the UCLA Asian American Studies Center, has produced his second picture book after a 50 year hiatus! For Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, Leong will read from his illustrated graphic poem (for adults and youth) based on his living and working Manhattan’s Chinatown and the Bowery, and his study of Buddhism from the late Ven. Thich Ton (Chua Phap Hua Temple, CA) and Ven. Dhammadipa (Chuang Yen Monastery, NY).
MothSutra was originally performed in an earlier form with music by Lorin Roser at the Bowery Poetry Club, Lower East Side. MothSutra, the book, contains original text and images by Leong. The theme of MothSutra is the journey of a bicycle delivery man through the past, present, and future of his life lived in China and in New York.
Not yet available to the general public, a limited advance edition published by THE BOWERY BANDIT project will be available to peruse. Reception to follow after poetry reading.
Separately, Lorin Roser will debut a selection of songs based on electronic and Chinese Instrumental themes. This talk will be moderated by Peter Kwong (Hunter College/CUNY).
For more information on Leong, see the bilingual website Russell Leong
Mapping of Asian Americans in New York (MAANY)