Dr. Yoon Jung Park will discuss Chinese migration to Africa, based on data from the Migration Policy Institute and her current research. Dr. Park will also address: (1) African perceptions of the Chinese in southern Africa (Lesotho, South Africa and Zimbabwe), based on some preliminary survey work and interviews; and (2) mobilizations of anti-Chinese sentiment in southern Africa (same countries above AND Zambia, Namibia and Botswana).

Living In Between: The Chinese in South Africa
Author Bio
Yoon Jung Park
Yoon Jung Park is a Visiting Scholar-in-Residence at Howard University, and a non-resident Senior Research Associate of the Sociology Department at Rhodes University. Dr. Park obtained her PhD from the University of the Witwatersrand (Sociology); MA from Fletcher School at Tufts University (International Relations); and BA from Pitzer College (Sociology and Women’s Studies).
Dr. Park is the author of A Matter of Honour. Being Chinese in South Africa (Jacana/Lexington Books) and numerous other articles and book chapters in scholarly publications including Les Temps Modernes, African Studies, and the Journal of Chinese Overseas.
Her current research interests include Chinese in southern Africa and perceptions of Chinese by local communities; migration; race, ethnicity and identity; race, class and power dynamics; and xenophobia. She also has done work on issues of gender and gender-based violence in the US and South Africa, international development, and arts & culture.