A look at the changing scenes and values of New York city, in the last fifty years, as seen thru the eyes and imagination of an Immigrant to USA from India. The perceptions of Americans about the rest of the world, changing life styles of the immigrants and the local people and their social impacts are addressed. This illustrated ‘Power Point’ presentation brings back old memories of “Idlewild Airport”, first impressions of the “Empire State Building before the Twin Towers are built”, the days when “Radio City Music Hall” was affordable by everybody, “Statue of Liberty” and the “Staten Island Ferry before the Verrazano Narrows bridge was built”, are just a few highlights of this diary.

Diary of an Immigrant from India and Impressions Dating Back to the Late Fifties
Author Bio
Nehru E. Cherukupalli
Nehru E. Cherukupalli (a.k.a. C.E. Nehru) is Professor of Geology at Brooklyn College, CUNY. He hails from South India, had his schooling in Madras, India, and earned a Ph.D. in geology from Madras University. He also has a Master’s degree from Columbia University, New York. He has been teaching at Brooklyn College, City University of New York for over four decades and has been the past Chairman of the Geology Department. He served as the Interim Executive Director of the Asian American/Asian Research Institute of CUNY during 2006-2007. He has field experience in many places in India and in the United States and Canada. He has worked in mining operations in copper and iron ore mines in India. He has also worked on Moon rocks and he works on Meteorites and is a Research Associate at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. He has considerable experience in teaching all levels of students at Brooklyn College and at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York.