Chinatowns Beyond New York City

According to the latest data, there are two million three hundred thousand Chinese Americans in the United States. They reside in all over the 50 states, ranging from 1549 in Alaska to 914,033 in California, and Chinatowns have been here with formed in many states.

This presentation will take you to visit the major and satellite Chinatowns in Hawaii, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Portland, Seattle, Houston, Chicago, Detroit, Boston, Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, New Jersey, and New York City. The topics will include 1) Reflections on historical background 2) Current demographics 3) A glimpse of streetscape 4) Brief description with pictures of landmarks.

Author Bio

Presented By:

Wendy Tan is currently a librarian at the Hunter College Library, and she also has keen interest in Chinese culinary. PSC-CUNY grant gave her the opportunity to explore Chinese culture beyond the cuisine. Besides working with library books or roaming in Chinatowns, she also tutors in Cantonese, Mandarin and Chinese calligraphy for children.