Beyond National and Ethnic Boundaries: The Inside Story of Mother Earth

Ethnic boundaries between communities are age old. Geographic boundaries are established by nature. National boundaries are established on the basis of nationalities that control the land, the people and the natural resources of the land. Mother Earth has other boundaries that are important but not realized by most people except the geologists and those working with them. Mining laws have their own boundaries.

The Center of the Earth is the deepest point inside. It is more than four thousand miles from the surface. Nobody has been there and the chances of anybody physically going there are very remote. There are many reasons for this: the temperature, the pressure and other physical conditions prevent us from reaching or probing this place. Also, our technology is not ready for this adventure. There are other considerations, such as political rivalries, ambitions and prestige of the leading countries that get in the way. The noble thought of learning about what is underneath our own feet started with the scientific curiosity. Project “Mohole” – named after the Croatian seismologist Mohorovi?i?, and launched by scientists, was the first step in learning about the interior of the earth. Mohorovi?i? was the first to discover the boundary between the crust and mantle of the Earth.

To date, we have made only limited progress in learning about the interior of the Earth. Our deepest mine is only about 2 miles deep (Kolar Gold Fields, India). The deepest borehole is only about 8 miles deep – Kola Peninsula, USSR. While our progress in this direction is very limited (8 miles down and only 3992 more to go!) we have made tremendous progress in going into space. We have been to the moon and back and now we are reaching for the other heavenly bodies. One might wonder why. The reasons for may not be obvious to most people.

The details of this topic will be examined in this presentation with special reference to the layers of the Earth under own feet that transgress ethnic, geographic and national boundaries.

Author Bio

Nehru E. Cherukupalli (a.k.a. C.E. Nehru) is Professor of Geology at Brooklyn College, CUNY. He hails from South India, had his schooling in Madras, India, and earned a Ph.D. in geology from Madras University. He also has a Master’s degree from Columbia University, New York. He has been teaching at Brooklyn College, City University of New York for over four decades and has been the past Chairman of the Geology Department. He served as the Interim Executive Director of the Asian American/Asian Research Institute of CUNY during 2006-2007. He has field experience in many places in India and in the United States and Canada. He has worked in mining operations in copper and iron ore mines in India. He has also worked on Moon rocks and he works on Meteorites and is a Research Associate at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. He has considerable experience in teaching all levels of students at Brooklyn College and at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York.