The show, titled “Running: The Race for City Council” was aired on Channel Thirteen in the fall of 2001. The young film-maker, Renata Huang will show and discuss the making of this documentary that she associate produced about the city council elections in New York City where three Asian American candidates lost in Manhattan’s Chinatown, and where John Liu became the first Asian American City Councilman in Flushing.

Running: The Race for City Council
By Renata Huang
Author Bio
Renata Huang
Renata Huang wished to become a documentary maker without ever having watched one. She was inspired by an article about the documentary, "Who Killed Vincent Chin?" produced by Christine Choy. She decided to acquire the "basics" by becoming a daily news reporter while living abroad in Taiwan. Gathering facts and producing stories at a fast speed gave her the skills and confidence to enter the documentary world in New York. Despite the field's lack of financial stability (she must pay for her own health insurance) she hopes to continue making documentaries believing that they are the best way to tell stories that matter.